ALERT: Charter fishermen, fishing guides, tour boats, rafting and sea kayak companiesOppose Sec. 301 in H.R. 3619, The Coast Guard Authorization of 2010, which legalizes new state and local taxes for charter fishing and other services on navigable waters. Read more to take one simple action to stop this provision.
The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010, H.R. 3619, which passed in the U.S. House, contains a provision in Sec. 301 authorizing state and local governments to levy new sales taxes on goods and services (including fishing charters) on navigable waters, unless the vessels are primarily engaged in foreign commerce. H.R. 3619 passed the Senate in May without the Sec. 301 provision. The differences in the House and Senate bills will be reconciled in a conference committee soon. If the House version of H.R. 3619 prevails, new layers of taxes and fees will be levied on fishing guides, charter boats and outfitters services in many states, where state and local governments are seeking additional sources of revenue. “Sales taxes” will be interpreted broadly by local governments. Some areas are already charging local taxes, which are not legal unless the state or local jurisdiction provides a service to enhance safety or security.
What you need to do
Call the Washington offices of :
* US Congressman John Mica (R-FL)
Online Contact Form
2313 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4035
Fax: (202) 226-0821
* US Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Online Contact From
United States Senate
716 Senate Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-2183
Rep. Mica is the ranking Republican on the House Transportation Committee and the provision was put in at the request of one of his Republican colleagues.
Call Senator Nelson's office as well. (202) 224-5274. Ask his office to work to keep Sec. 301 out of the final Coast Guard Authorization bill. You do not have to speak to the Representative or Senator. His staff will relay the message.
What to say
* Identify yourself and your company and where you live.
* Say you are calling about a provision in the Coast Guard Authorization bill that will enable new taxes on your services.
* Tell the person on the phone that you want Rep. Mica to remove Sec. 301 from the Coast Guard Authorization bill, H.R. 3619.
Sec. 301 only legalizes more state and local taxation. It does not have any bearing on the Coast Guard.
This is not the time to be adding taxes and fees on small, seasonal businesses.
For more numbers for Representatives in Florida, go to to get contact information for your members of Congress or call 1-800-524-4814.