Saturday, June 12, 2010

Redfish Biting In Charlotte Harbor

welcome aboard

the Redfish bite is starting to pick up in the Charlotte Harbor area.Ive had the pleasure of spending some quality time fishing with my boys this week before they head out to see the Grand parents. my youngest boy SAM loves going for the bull of the Backcoutry. we covered a lot of water from Bulls Bay to Turtle and the wall never found them schooling up but we fished hard and managed back to back days of 4-6 reds ranging from 20-26 i feel that to be successful you most be persistent and work hard with the intense heat and amount of fishing pressure that means if your confidant in the hole you are fishing than work it give it a chance it seems that it was tacking at least 45-50 minutes than they would bite and turn off. and if your working the mangroves be as quite as possible and work close to shore and in the trough to try to find a pattern to be honest i never was able to really pin point a pattern but we stayed persistent and it paid off . if you would like a great day stalking the backwaters of Charlotte harbor be sure to check out my rates and trips page

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