Monday, June 7, 2010

Snook Fishing With My Son David on Charlotte Harbor

welcome aboard

spent the day fishing with my son David had a wounder full time that i will always remember. as most of you no getting your little fishing buddy that's now 15 teen to actually take you up instead of blowing you off for his friend's was a good sign.but the pressure was on i new for this to work i had to find the right bait and and find some feeding fish. our first stop i found the bait and loaded up the net and told Dave to point the bow were ever my head points and go slow once i was close enough i ha-lard neutral and we were done the live wells were full and we were ready for some backwater fishing on Charlotte Harbor.i wanted this to be special as a Dad i realize that when your fifteen you'd rather bee kicking it with your friends and the girls. so i said David want to drive? oh yea he replied ! so we were off and we spent the rest of the day fishing were he drove and i let him set us up on holes and it was a day i 'll never forget. hes a great fisherman that knows the water well and understands the wind and tides and most of all he's my fishing buddy .

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